Hi, I'm Ricardo! 👋

But you can call me Vitorino. 😎

I'm a product leader from Coimbra, Portugal, passionate about creating tech solutions for smart cities, urban mobility, and more. With over eight years of experience, I've revolutionised city operations, enhancing daily life through intelligent, practical solutions.

I share my insights and experiences on Medium.


  • Expertly navigating product development cycles from ideation to launch
  • Conducting thorough market analysis and insightful customer interviews
  • Building and guiding dynamic cross-functional teams for optimal performance
  • Proficient in programming with Python and GIS tools for advanced solutions
  • Ensuring compliance with industry-leading open standards
  • Crafting innovative solutions for seamless tech compatibility
  • Creating engaging and informative technical content
  • Skilled in public speaking and pitching to diverse audiences


Notion Essentials Badge

Certified in Notion Essentials, showcasing my proficiency in collaboration, database management, and productivity best practices.

Professional Experience

I succesfully launched multiple award-winning products and led cross-functional teams to innovate smart solutions. For a detailed look at my professional journey and key accomplishments, visit my Work page.


  • Product Management 🛠 - Impostor PM Coimbra Community Manager
  • Reading 📚 - Books database to be shared soon
  • Cooking 🍳 - Recipes database to be shared soon
  • Grounding 🌱 - Itineraries database to be shared soon
  • Pets and Gym


Interested in collaborating or learning more? Visit my Contact page to reach out via your preferred method.
